
a weblog for Pete Ellertsen's students in Communications 207 (editing for publication) at Benedictine University/Springfield. Link here to my faculty page.

Monday, September 11, 2006



Two questions. Well, three, really:
1. What are the trade names? (Best way to find out: Consult the AP Stylebook on brand names and trademarks, and Google them.) By the way: Is "Google" a trademark?
The trade names are Tootsie Rolls and kitty litter. And yes, "Google" is a trademark. A better term would be "internet search".

2. How would you revise this recipe to run in a newspaper that follows AP style?
You would need to change "kitty litter" to "cat box filler", or something or that sort, whereas "Tootsie Roll" could be changed to "chocolate candy rolls."

3. Would you want to run this particular recipe in a newspaper? Why, or why not?
I wouldn't for two reasons: because you would have to change the name of the recipe itself, and because that recipe looks absolutely disgusting. The readership probably wouldn't appriciate looking at that whilst drinking their morning coffee.

You're dead right. Give the man a cigar (but not, of course, a Garcia Y Vega)! And if you did mention the brand name, you'd say it like this: "a Garcia Y Vega" cigar," with the brand followed by the generic word.

Or "Kleenex tissues," "Xerox photocopying machines," etc.
By the way, did you notice the "Y" in "Garcia Y Vega" is capitalized? (It means "and," and it wouldn't be in Spanish.) Almost always, you follow the style of the company. And if you don't know, you look it up. I Googled it. Or should I say: "I used the popular Google search engine to find it?"
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