
a weblog for Pete Ellertsen's students in Communications 207 (editing for publication) at Benedictine University/Springfield. Link here to my faculty page.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Tuesday's assignment

Repeating the assignment I made in class the night before the Thanksgiving holiday. It's due Tuesday.

1. Find a well-written news or news feature story. Link it to the blog.

2. Discuss the story. Tell what you like about it. Analyze the way it's written.

3. Post your analysis, with the link, to the blog.

Your grade on this assignment will depend on the quality of the story and the depth of your analysis, i.e. the amount of detail you go into. You may choose a hard news story (a wreck, a fire, a ball game, a government meeting, a murder investigation, etc.) or a feature (a profile of a person, human interest, background on a ball team or a political contest, one of the Thanksgiving stories we've been seeing this week, anything that isn't hard news in other words). To get maximum credit, post it to the blog before Tuesday's class.


"SHG crowned again"

This story discusses SHG's big win Saturday night at Memorial Stadium in Champaign. Saturday night's victory was the second consecutive state championship for the SGH cyclones. Senior and wide receiver Dave Kavish's mother expresses her bittersweet feelings about the win, explaining that she was happy to see them win state again, but that it was sad to see her son play his last game as a cylcone. She also talks about how David and longtime friend, Bobby Brenneisan, spent much of their childhood dreaming about winning a state championship. They were waterboys for the 1995 game where SGH placed second. Kavish says that through the years, her son and his teammates realized that they had to be a team and play like one in order to win. The boys were definitely successful, as they won the state championship for the second year in a row, finishing their season undefeated.
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